Friday, February 28, 2014

Network like a King

As far back as I can remember, teachers in my business classes (at least the teachers that were good ...and every student reading this would agree some teachers are "questionably qualified" for their jobs) would always say that networking is sooooo important.

Throughout my BBA at Moncton University, my networking effort was, *cough*, limited. Why would I waste my time talking to some old, random guys about their businesses? What in the world could that actually give me? The answer: it can literally give you every advantage in the world!

Let me tell you something: The very first thing, and the most useful thing I learned through my experience as an MBA student at Laval University (and especially within the Missions commerciales de l'Université Laval organization) is the importance and the benefits that come from proper networking efforts. Since my un-intended return to Moncton back in September, my networking efforts have gone up by 100%, and the outcome is insanely positive. What kind of benefits am I seeing in such a short period of time? Multiple job offers, numerous invitations to "invitation only" networking events [like the Rolls Royce of the networking world ...sounded cooler in my head] and so many new contacts in every corner of every industry that's present all over the Province.

When I see young business students waste their time sleeping, partying, watching TV and "studying", I feel like kicking them in the *ss, tell them to get out there, learn about the "old guys'" experiences and develop their network.

Again, that would be me being a hypocrite since I've never done it back then. But why shouldn't I help them avoid the mistakes I've made? Well, here's me taking a shot at it: GO NETWORK !!!!!

Why should I go to networking events? Why is it so important?

Gain knowledge in random industries
Listen, we all have preferences in life, and we all dream of working for the NFL's marketing department, or as a photographer for Playboy magazine,but let's be honest: for the average guy, that (unfortunately) won't happen. So why not learn about everything else in life? At such a young age, your brain is like a sponge. Use it at the fullest of its capacities.

I've worked in so many random industries - from a sports equipment salesman, to forestry, going through transportation facilitators for children with limited mobility, selling trailers and working for the government [a little self-advertisement here: check out my full profile: LinkedIn or my personal website]. Some of the industries, I didn't like as much as the next. But guess what - there is no such thing as learning something useless!

I like to know plenty of random facts, and guess what: it's GOLD in a job interview! When someone talks about their company, and you have absolutely no idea what he's talking about, don't avoid the subject - he is the most important resource you could possibly have! ACTIVELY listen to their story, get their business card, and never shy away from telling them your story of why you're so gosh darn great and anyone who hires you will be beyond happy that they took a chance on a young graduate. And hey, you never know when you'll need someone who's a molecular biologist or a storage bin manufacturer!

Build your network (aka GET A JOB)
In case you haven't noticed, the job market is tough. Nobody can get a job out of college and/or university, and it's impossible to get a good job.


First of all, you're a recent grad - you don't get a good job, you get a first job!

Secondly, the job market isn't that tough. People just don't know how to find a job. Sitting at home behind your computer, looking at Kijiji ads and listings on won't get you very far in life.

Stop being lazy, and make a name for yourself. Sending a Resume through an address won't get you very far. Everybody is able to sell themselves better in person than on a piece of paper. And guess what - networking events are filled with company CEOs, HR personnel and management-level employees. They are literally sitting there, waiting for you to come over and sell yourself. And guess what - if you listened to what the storage bin manufacturer said, you can impress the production manager from the filling cabinet production plant!

[Side note: I hear so many of my friends complain that they're struggling to land that great job, their career starter. Don't wait for that job, you're ruining your self-brand by adding a huge gap between your graduation date and God-knows-when you'll actually get that perfect job that is impossible to get. Anyone who's ever asked me, I've given them the same advice: apply everywhere for 2 weeks. Take in the job offers, and take the best that is currently available. You'll work, make money, and gain experience. How often do you hear "I'm sorry sir, you don't have enough experience for this position"? Guess what: That first "shitty" job will get you that experience. So stop waiting for a perfect job to fall on your lap, put some working boots on, and go work for what you want!]

The most important thing out of all of this is that everyone you meet, if you make a good impression, WILL remember you! I've met some businessman who I see once every couple of years, and they always remember my name. So when his friend, the owner of the company across the road, is looking for a consultant, guess who's going to pop up in his mind - MOI.

Make friends - the good type!
Listen, we all have the beer-chugging, party animal, no sleep required friends from university. And guess what: if you want to make a career out of your 7 years at university and your $60,000 student debt, you need to get rid of them. Maybe that's harsh, let's try that again: you need to see them in moderation, and in a non-public setting. Better?

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but at a certain point in life, everything around you becomes a part of your image and your self-brand. So getting tagged in a Facebook picture with 6 shirtless guys (with 2 of them having questionable stains on their pants) and a keg with 13 empty beer cans and a bong next to you probably won't impress the client you're trying to close a deal with or the owner of the financial planning institute down the road.

Enjoy your youth - I've done more than my share of partying, and I think most people who've I've met throughout my university life would agree I would rarely shy away from a beer or two. But know when you need to transition into the "real" life. I see too many graduate that don't grasp this concept quickly enough and burn down bridges. The business community is small and trust me, EVERYONE talks. So put your best foot forward every time you meet someone because you never know who he knows that might know a guy who knows the HR person at that company that could use a professional, smart, handsome young graduate!

Take the opportunity to also speak with the younger crowd at these networking functions. Chances are they are in the same shoes as you, looking for a break into the real world and hoping to build a company and rule the world in the next 5 years (ambition, gotta love it!). No matter what their education background, you never know where they'll be in 10 years from now. Make sure you're on their good side, before they become a big-shot lawyer or a buyer for one of your clients! Plus, spending time with young minds that are on the same wave-link as yours can lead to great friendships and perfect business partners down the road!

Where do I find these epic networking events?

Now that you see why you NEED to be networking, it gets interesting. So many choices...

In case you didn't know, most cities have a Chamber of Commerce (for my friends in Moncton and Quebec) which is a great place to start. They'll have their usual events (morning networking, After-5's, etc. ). These are all great, and should be a must for any business student or graduate, even after having found your first job (you have a bit of experience, so look for the break you've worked for to go from "first shitty job" to "career starter").

Something else that's a goldmine is training seminars. The Chamber of Commerce will offer some, while companies and government entities will also offer various sessions on a multitude of subjects. And guess who attend these training seminars - business people! If the networking at these events doesn't seem sufficient to go, you'll even learn something!

[Another little moment of in-blog advertisement: There's a great seminar coming to New-Brunswick at the end of March - NB Export Awareness for New Exporters, from March 24th to 28th. I will be one of the speakers, giving an introduction training session on Social Media Marketing. We're hitting all 5 "major" cities in NB. Learn more HERE or Register HERE!]

If you want to find a job in a specific field or industry, then go to industry-related activities. Trade shows are definitely the place to be, as everything from SMEs to large corporations, related associations and organizations will be present. Everyone in these events are key contacts, since they know everyone in the industry and can be such an enormous help to find the right opportunity for you.

Finally, networking can be done anywhere:
-  In the airport or on the plane: This is actually a golden opportunity. Since many important businessman are impossible to get a hold of because they are always so busy, finding them waiting in an airport lounge is the perfect opportunity to talk to some busy people on their down-time. If you sit down next to someone on the plane, ask them about themselves. Ask about the book their reading, or discuss the issue of Canadian Business they're reading.
- In Starbucks: Find someone in a suit, reading the business section of the newspaper. Yes, he might sound annoyed that you're ruining his morning "caramel macchiato, venti, skim, extra shot, extra-hot, extra-whip, sugar-free" ritual, but as long as you're trying you might fall on the right person eventually, and that's worth a shot!"
- Gym: Everyone knows a healthy body is needed to keep the brain running! Find someone doing cardio and  reading the business section of the newspaper or a business-related book and ask them about it.
- ...

Bottom line: If you're a business student, you need to get out there and network. You're life should revolve around networking, and you should treat everyone and anyone as potential bosses, clients, investors, references, associates, buyers, sellers, partners, suppliers, distributors, employees, shareholders or babysitters. Just don't wait too late to start!

PS: If you want to meet up for a coffee to talk, let me know. I'm always open to starting new relationships and grow my network... as long as you're paying!


Pierre Babineau is an MBA graduate from Laval University. Currently working as an Industrial Marketing Advisor at FPInnovations, he has worked in Canada, USA, South Africa and India in numerous positions such as International Development Agent, Head of Trade Mission, Director of Internet Marketing and an Independent Consultant for various companies.

You can reach Pierre Babineau on TwitterLinkedIn or on his personal website.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What Grinds My Gears!

Do You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? 

Yeah, I've watched a few Family Guy episodes, but I think it's the perfect expression for what I have to say about irresponsible marketing!

Is there such a thing as "Responsible" and "Irresponsible" marketing? Yes, I truly believe there is!  Marketing is the efforts put forward by a company to sell themselves. Marketing is a tool to reach the mass and give reason to why you are better than the rest. Marketing is meant to communicate your differentiation advantage in the most original and clever way possible to the consumer. That's why I love marketing - it's constant competition to be the best and become the reference in your industry. In the ever-changing landscape of our global business world, companies need to be on their toes and react quickly to what's new... They absolutely need to be two steps ahead, or else they'll miss too many opportunities and get buried by their competition before being able to say "Hakuna Matata" (there are reasons to be worried!). However, when a company structures their message in a way to alter the consumers' perception  in an unfair and, more importantly, in a dishonest and unethical way by playing on the population's ignorance, I find it plain wrong.

Special Shout-Out: The BEAUTY...

Before going further, I have to give a big shout-out to P&G's ad campaign running through the Olympics "Thank You, Mom". I saw it on TV while writing this article, and I just love the emotional aspect to it and how people can easily relate. It's meant to increase brand recognition, and gives credit where credit is the moms, and the athletes. EVERYBODY knows who P&G is [or some people might still live under a rock?], but their past advertisements have had some tough criticism (I really liked Bruce Goldman's article titled "P&G's Olympics ad campaign could destroy its reputation", worth a read...after you're done reading mine, of course!). As Mr. Goldman mentions, I hope people don't get tired of seeing ads that touch us and pays tribute to our moms, whom we owe a lot and some times don't say it often enough (*Love you mom!*), but most of all I appreciate the fact that they're not trying to push their products down your throat, like H&R Block (cue the transition)...

...and The BEAST!

When I was in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, I kept seeing the H&R Block "Get Your Billion Back, America" ads (watch one of them here). At first, I thought "Wow, that's a lot of money" (my moment of ignorance, yes it happens to the best of us). But then, after seeing the ad 14 times in an hour (HATE that), I started thinking of what $1B actually means for America. Well, according to, you're looking at around 140 million citizens who are filling income tax reports. So, with the help of a strong math background (and a calculator), I was able to determine that each citizen filling their tax return is "losing" an average of $7.15 each year.

Now, I have no problem with a company trying to sell their services, or convince the consumer that they have the best offering out there. I mean, come on, I'm a marketing guy!

However, I really don't like when a company bases their marketing campaign on, shall I say, the average consumers' lack of knowledge and ignorance (and I mean that in the nicest way possible).

Honestly, how many people will see that ad and say "Oh crap, I have a part of that $1 000 000 000! I need to get my money back - HONEY, CALL H&R BLOCK!... START THE CAR!".

Clearly, if I said "The average citizen who fills out their own income tax return misses out on $7.15 each year", would you feel the urge to cough out $60+ [I'm pretty sure $60 is in the ballpark?] to sit down and get someone to do your taxes for you? To sit there, watch them use basically the same software you're using at home, do the same thing you're doing, and literally gamble and hope that you did a bad job last year and this guy (or girl) will be able to find enough deductions to both pay for their $60+ fee AND make you come out ahead at the end of the day?

Between you and me, not a chance unless I absolutely have to. And I'm not saying their services aren't useful, far from it! I for one will be going to H&R Block this year for my tax return!

OK, so now I sound like a hypocrite. But here's the thing - when your taxes are complicated, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Don't want the CRA knocking at my door in a few months wondering why I forgot to mention a few lines of revenue!

Plus, if you're clueless about income taxes, no harm in going to see a specialist who can offer these services. That's why service jobs exist! Just don't expect to walk out of there $10,000 richer - just a question of managing expectations, something their ads have overblown by a mile and a half.


In case someone from H&R Block is reading this: Listen, as a consumer, when I see your ad, I'm thinking I should go see you because you're going to make me a lot of money. That's what you want your ad to create as expectation, right? You're advertising a BILLION bucks, but your true offering on average will be, what, $8? [I rounded off upwards to make it seem less sad] But what happens when I leave your offices, with no "extra" money, and a $60 bill? Do you think I'll be a satisfied customer? Do you truly believe I'll be back next year? What will you do then to bring me back - tell me you're giving away a unicorn to everyone who comes in?

Basics of marketing - and it doesn't get more basic than this! The cost of retaining a customer is far less than recruiting a new customer. When I see this ad, I see it as a short-term solution to the problem of people realizing they don't need you, and a desperate attempt to make a quick buck. Not sure how you think this will do anything else except hurt you on the long term? And I'm just really not sure you're doing it right...but hey, that's just my opinion, you keep doing what you're doing, and best of luck with the unicorns!


Pierre Babineau is an MBA graduate from Laval University. Currently working as an Industrial Marketing Advisor at FPInnovations, he has worked in Canada, USA, South Africa and India in various positions such as International Development Agent, Head of Trade Mission, Director of Internet Marketing and Independent Consultant.

You can reach Pierre Babineau on TwitterLinkedIn or on his personal website.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Why Traveling is Important for Every Business Student (if you want to be successful...)

Hello world!

Since this is a first in the blogging world for me, let me give you a quick idea of who I am. My name is Pierre Babineau, 24 years young, and I am an Industrial Marketing Advisor with FPInnovations in New-Brunswick. I'm from East Coast Canada, a proud Acadian, and an avid fan of the Montreal Canadiens. I graduated from Université Moncton (BBA - International Management) and followed it by going to Laval University (MBA - Marketing), where I recently graduated.

I've been debating on starting a blog over the past couple of years, but lack of time (and mostly procrastination) has kept me silent. However, after my last business trip to the USA, I had so many things to say and ideas going through my mind that I decided to use this platform to express what I have hiding inside of me. It will be based on marketing, but I'll be all over the place to keep you all guessing. Eventually I might actually discuss something marketing related...

First thing I have to say with this blog: Students, you HAVE to TRAVEL!

Traveling is so much more than a vacation. To be honest, my traveling experiences are far from relaxing, and I do not consider them vacations at all. Leaving your country and visiting other countries - and more importantly, living in a new, unknown environment and learning how cultures are incredibly diversified - is key to reaching higher peaks in your career. Why? Easy:

1. Traveling will open your mind to bigger problems than the ones you see in your day-to-day life.

I'm from Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada. You're done checking Google Maps? OK. In this small city of less than 200 000 citizens, we see certain problems (both from our society and our political system). However, leaving my nest and visiting countries like Mexico, Poland, Estonia, South Africa, India or China opened my mind to where the true, larger problems lie. Whether you want to discuss over-population, discrimination, pollution, poverty, drugs, prostitution, or ever access to clean water and education (etc. etc.), seeing it with your own eyes will help you understand how important these issues are and why we, as the global society, need to work together and address these.

2. Traveling will help you understand what is the thought behind "Capitalism 24902".

Not sure what it is? Can't blame you. It hasn't really caught on yet, but I believe it's worth looking into. Sir Richard Branson (for those who don't know, he's the brain behind the Virgin Empire) has discussed this project in both "Screw Business as Usual" and briefly in a chapter in "Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won't Teach You at Business School", both books which should be read by any entrepreneur enthusiast. To make it short, "It means reinventing how we live in the world to create a far more balanced, healthy, and peaceful place". If you don't know what the problems are globally, how can you join the movement? And trust me, if Sir Branson says that's the way the business world is going, you better join it and not fight it!

3. Traveling helps you grow as an individual.

When you travel, you develop numerous important traits that will help you all along your life, both personally and professionally. Among other things, you will become resourceful, independent, confident and open-minded. Who doesn't want that?

4. Traveling will help you become an international citizen.

Logging into Facebook, you will have posts from 40 different countries from every timezone in the world. You will force yourself to learn basics in multiple languages. But most importantly, you will develop your global network! Once you enter the workforce, you will quickly realize that having contacts in every country is an important asset, since you will eventually be working with more countries than you can count on your hands ...and feet!

5. Traveling will make you a better leader.

Through everything, you will also quickly grasp cultural impact in everything around you - something that will be vital when you become a leader in a multicultural environment. Since the global community is becoming a norm in most business models, and to have staff from different cultural backgrounds is inevitable, you need to be able to understand and manage every employee to keep them happy. I'm not saying you will become an expert after a 2-month trip to China, but you will gain important knowledge and an edge over your competition. 

Listen, traveling can be expensive. And I'll talk about that next week. But all I can say is, if you're a business student, and you've never left your backyard, you will have a tough time once the global marketplace comes knocking on your door. So get out there, forget your comfort zone, and become a better you - one country at a time!


Pierre Babineau is an MBA graduate from Laval University. Currently working as an Industrial Marketing Advisor at FPInnovations, he has worked in Canada, USA, South Africa and India in various positions such as International Development Agent, Head of Trade Mission, Director of Internet Marketing and Independent Consultant.

You can reach Pierre Babineau on Twitter, LinkedIn or on his personal website.